Digital China Meetup: July 2022

Come join the digital community online to learn and mingle.

Thanks to all of you who joined us for our last Digital China Meetup about JavaScript.

Moving forward, time for another Design conversation. It will happen on Wednesday, July 20th, 2022.

We will be talking about Design process and Inclusive design:

  • Theme: Design process and Inclusive design
  • Day: Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
  • Time: 7:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm (ish)
  • Location: Tencent Online Meeting / Live-streaming
  • Language: Chinese


  • 7:00-7:10 Join online and warm-up
  • 7:10-8:10 Talks & Q&A
    1. Digital Product Design Process and Communication (数字产品的设计流程和沟通效率) 嘉宾:陆怡君 |Wiredcraft,资深UI/UX设计师
    2. Inclusive design (包容性设计) 嘉宾:姜颖 |上海清华国际创新中心未来设计研究院,副院长


Book your seat for this meetup

Can’t make it? no worries: this event will be live-streamed and recorded. We’ll send the link via email, just make sure to register to be able to join the meeting.

Wanna speak next time?

We’ll open the door for anybody who has a background of digital product field, including design, data, tech, strategy and product to share their insights. We have 2 rules:

  • No self promotion.
  • The topic must be on theme and provide value to the audience.

Apply to be a speaker

About Digital China

We’ve been running some communities in China, especially through organizing tech and design events for a few years: the Docker and Javascript meetups, the UI/UX Conference, …

And some other sessions more recently:

The newly created Digital China combines all of our community activities under the same roof.

We’re aiming to bring digital experts in China with data, strategy, marketing, tech, design or business background together.

This is a Wiredcraft community.

See you on July 20th!

Posted on July 11, 2022 in Events

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