Hey, Yi Kang

Meet Yi Kang, our latest hire, who just joined our development team in Shanghai.

Nice to meet you all!

I’m a web developer who had been living and working in Beijing for the past 6 years. After my first visit to Shanghai in 2017, I was totally attracted by this city and finally moved here at the end of last year.

I chose to join Wiredcraft mainly because of the nature of the company’s business model. It’s immune to the “social network” insanity I’ve been experiencing over the last few years of work. And of course, the flexibility in working hours and the WFH policy (which shocked me when I first heard of it!)

Besides coding I like to read all kinds of non-fiction stuff. I also spend a lot of time playing strategic video games. Contrary to others who want to have adventurous experiences, my own version would be to read a book that changes the way I see the world significantly in a relatively short period of time.

I enjoy movies by Alfonso Cuarón, Denis Villeneuve and Christopher Nolan very much. And would like to recommend, not to everyone in the world but to most sane people, to read Karl Popper’s writings.

Posted on July 03, 2019 in Company

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