Welcome, Xavier

Meet Xavier Lai, our latest hire, who just joined our Frontend team in Shanghai.

I’m Xavier, usually just go by Xavi. I was born and raised in Qingyuan, a city in Guangdong. my mother tongue is Cantonese and I also speak Mandarin, English, and Hakka, now reside in Shanghai’s Putuo district.

Before joining wiredcraft, I worked for a SasS company specializing in data analysis.

I fell in love with this job because coding is also a kind of art, that could impact people’s life.

1. What are the three things you like about Wiredcraft? Or what attracted you to apply here?

Open, work-life balance, multicultural environment.

2. What’s the most adventurous experience you have had?

Climbing up a high building and drinking beer in Chongqing.

3. What hobbies do you have?

Besides coding, I like coffee, outdoor activities and I’m also a horror films lover.

4. If there’s one thing you recommend everyone in the world to do, what would it be?

Travel more, experience different cultures, and meet different people.

5. What is the project your are the most proud of?

When it comes to which project that I am most proud of, the first that came to my mind is Yan’tang dairy which is a dairy delivery system, It improves the experience of how people order their dairy.

6. What’s the most underestimated talent you have?

Probably is drawing.

Posted on March 23, 2022 in Company

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