Hi, Elethom

Meet Elethom, our latest hire, who just joined our development team in Shanghai.

Hi! Nice to meet you!

My name is Elethom, but my friends call me “bunny”. I’m glad to join Wiredcraft’s Development team as an iOS App Developer.

I’m interested in many things other than coding. For a few years, I was an interaction designer, and before moving to Shanghai, I designed complex data management solutions as a Product Manager for large charitable foundations in China.

Besides working, I enjoy watching films and playing cinematic video games. Reading books on art and design is one of my favourite ways to pass the time. I would definitely recommend Naoto Fukasawa’s publications.

Q: What are the three things you like about Wiredcraft? Or what attracted you to apply here?

A: There are certainly more than three things. For example, a friendly working environment, cool co-workers, using latest technologies, flexible working schedule, and having a self-sustained business model while everyone else is obsessed with “blockchain” or “social network”.

Q: What’s the most adventurous experience you have had?

A: I don’t know if this one counts, but I managed to save a cat by hanging myself out a window 60 meters above the ground just a few days back.

Q: If there’s one thing you recommend everyone in the world to do, what would it be?

A: GTD time management. You will find yourself having the equivalent of 30 hours a day while others only have 24. I have to spend a lot of time and money on medical stuff for myself, but GTD makes it possible for me to live a relatively normal life - it’s a real lifesaver.

Posted on August 20, 2019 in Company

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