Hello, Irene

Meet Irene, our latest hire, who just joined our Business Development team in Shanghai.

Hey, welcome to my intro page! I am Chinese-born with about 10 years of experience living and studying in the US. I moved back to China upon graduating from the University of Virginia, and am currently supporting Wiredcraft’s business development initiatives.

Prior to joining the WCL, I worked in the marketing team of an American solar technical consulting firm based in Shanghai. While there, I was entrusted with a managerial role and took charge of all facets of marketing, including marketing communications, trade show participations, social media marketing and public relations. The job was quite satisfying, but as I developed an interest in digital marketing and for more client facing roles, Wiredcraft became the next step for me.

Jumping from the solar industry to the digital industry is quite a big change in career path, and definitely adventurous. I had my doubts and concerns. However, as I become increasingly involved in the different projects for clients spanning across many industries, and learn more about the fascinating world of digital product development, moving on to Wiredcraft has become one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

If there’s one thing I’d recommend everyone in the world do, that would be to step out of your comfort zone, and try something new. When you have a spark of desire to try something, don’t hesitate, and just act on it. Unless you’ve experienced it yourself, you will never know what you can gain out of it. Had I not moved back to Shanghai in 2016, I’d never have the opportunity to engage firsthand with the most innovative digital and ecommerce landscape offered in the China market. So try something new, and don’t overthink things.

Posted on June 26, 2018 in Company

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