Register once, enjoy exclusive benefits: New Hilton and Starbucks collaboration unlocks exclusive benefits for loyalty members

Discover seamless benefits for coffee lovers and travelers. Scan the QR code and enjoy exclusive perks from Hilton and Starbucks, powered by Wiredcraft's WeChat mini-program and dedicated apps.

Hilton and Starbucks? 🌟

Hilton just launched a partnership campaign with Starbucks.

With just a click, you will instantly become a Silver member! For coffee lovers and travelers, scan the QR code and enjoy benefits from both Starbucks and Hilton. Double the pleasure, double the benefits.

Wiredcraft helped the brands with the WeChat mini-program and designated APPs for the affiliate partnership. Scan the QR code and start your smooth digital journey with Hilton and Starbucks!

Xinyi Song
Digital Marketing Manager
Posted on June 20, 2024 in Case studies

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