Kick started Drupal tour China in Chengdu

Drupal meetup in Chengdu

As a first start of the Drupal Community tour in China we headed to Chengdu on February 25. In addition to the support of the Drupal official foundation, the local community provide us a strong support; providing us a place to hold the meeting, all the necessary equipments as well as pushing on the advertisement. We particulary want to thanks HyperGlide (Harley) who help us from the preparation until the day of the meeting, as well as during the whole event.

We let the community choose the topics (once again thanks HyperGlide) in order to propose them relevant presenations (you can see the discussion thread here.

The main topics of the meetups ranged from Drupal 7 core to the use of Git and Drupal 7 theming. As a show starter we were still tweaking our presentations and the necessary steps of the organization. We are confident that through this experience the community and ourselves are growing.

You can find some related content at the following links;

We are heading to Shenzhen on Saturday the 10th and are thrilled to meet more members of the Chinese Drupal community.

2012年2月25日,我们为期3个月的 Drupal tour 全国巡回座谈会 在成都拉开了帷幕。

这次座谈会除了由 Drupal 官方基金会直接支持外,还得到了成都当地 Drupal 社区的大力支持,他们为我们提供了非常棒的场地和设备,并且承担了大部分的组织和宣传工作。对此我们要向社区的主要负责人,HyperGlide (Harley) 等人表示感谢。

当天到场嘉宾共有二十几位,我们做了简单的问卷调查,HyperGlide 发表了调查结果

这次座谈会的主要演讲题目是《Drupal 7 core》,此外还简单地介绍了 Git 和 Drupal theming。大家都表示有所收获,但同时也表示缺乏针对性。我们将在今后的活动中逐步改善。


  • 照片
  • 视频 (即将发布)

我们已经准备好了本周六的深圳 Drupal 交流会,欢迎大家支持和参与!

You’ll find also everything you need to know on our events page.

Posted on March 08, 2012 in Events, Technology

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