Growing COS Brand by strengthening customer engagement

Learn how we leveraged COS brand assets to re-engage its customers through a customized WeChat Membership mini-program.

COS, an aspiring and sleek fashion brand, has won a solid group of loyal customers both online and offline in the China market. Despite the high traffic on their WeChat Official Account (WeChat OA) and official E-commerce mini-program (EC), they had been experiencing lower rate of user activation than expected. Devoid of a targeted and centralized CRM platform, the lack of data insights made it more challenging for the brand to foster mutual long-lasting relationships and increase brand engagement.

Partnering with Wiredcraft, COS Membership mini-program (COS空间), an exclusive brand space powered by elegant UI design and intuitive user experience is developed to increase engagement between COS and its customers. With the successful launch of this digital product paired with a phase-by-phase digital strategy focusing on headlining brand stories, a tier membership system, and providing exclusive O2O experiences, COS has restored user engagement and anticipates future growth by increasing customer lifetime value.

COS space designed to amplify its core value and lifestyle

Leveraging rich brand assets into one place - a habitat for users embracing COS value and lifestyle

COS Membership Mini-program is a brand space designed to amplify its core value and lifestyle, bringing all new and existing customers together into one touchpoint for further meaningful interactions with the brand. Our designers strategically presented rich brand imagery in sleek design forms that match with COS’s well-known contemporary style, favorably increasing customers’ brand recognition and awareness.

The latest brand campaigns, COS 2022 summer show and The Encounter after Early Summer are featured as the homepage’s highlights with a brief yet aesthetic commercial clip embedded within to visually stimulate users’ interests. In addition, primary navigations such as COS WOMEN and COS by you are enabled to prompt users to promotional KOL and UGC activities related to the latest fashion trends that increase user engagement. These interactive online experiences are designed to draw their interest, leading them to finally land on the official WeChat e-commerce for shoppable content.

Utilizing keen observations to captivate users’ interests while maintaining brand tonality, our designers have made bold breakthroughs on the visual layout within the mini-program while meeting COS’s goal in building a refreshing brand space that brims with personalized content for the COS community using brand language.

COS by women cos by you

Enhancing member loyalties with a tailored membership strategy

COS possesses a solid consumer base, but lacks member expansion and activation momentum since the incentives displayed on their WeChat OA and EC were less systematic.

COS membership strategy

Within the new COS brand space, a three tiered membership program (COS摩登衣橱会员计划) with a straightforward yet rewarding point system is embedded to provide benefits that incrementally increase in value. The duo serves as a retention tool geared towards engaging members by associating their incentives with exclusive brand experiences and VIP rewards including a series of COS gift rewards. The brand also adopted our proposal to set up a daily inspirational page (每日灵感), an additional check-in point built within that attracts members to interact with the brand using an entertaining swipe cards design, not only saving but also sharing the inspiration to friends — to inadvertently create social buzz.

Altogether, the mini-program makes it possible for COS to enhance member loyalties and induce overall customer lifetime value.

COS daily inspiration and checkin points

Crafting a more optimized O2O experience for the COS community

To help COS overcome the challenges in tracking their customers’ shopping behavior and driving sales, we offered an online-to-offline strategy that integrates the data insights through OMNI channels. This is where the COS membership mini-program comes in with WeCom built within, a convenient communication tool that enables COS business operation team to connect with customers, leading them to tailored online services and exclusive in-store actions, thus strategically forming a purchasing cycle.

COS optimized o2o experience

To boost customer engagement, COS can utilize WeCom in building an OMNI experience focusing on 1 on 1 customer service that ensures a smoother purchase journey from online to offline stores. For example, after scanning individualized QR codes, WeCom allows COS to grant incentives or in-stores promotions to members via DM, encouraging them to visit physical stores and gain styling insights from experienced sales advisors. Vice versa, customers who shop in-stores can also sign up and join this online COS brand space to receive member-only offers. For instance, an e-card to offline VIP events where they are able to interact with fashion influencers and purchase featured outfits worn by brand ambassadors.

By and large, COS membership mini-program serves as an integrated brand hub for the COS community where they can access rich resources via both online and offline channels. Conversely, given the flexibility in access to customers, COS enjoyed the benefits of easily delivering consistent products and services through the integrated multi-channels. By offering the complementary goods, COS not only re-engaged loyal customers, but also converted existing traffic to new customers in a successful manner by making use of the collected customer data insights along the journey.

Ready to launch a digital product to engage tens of millions of users? Contact us now.

Posted on July 05, 2022 in Case studies

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