DevOps and Ansible Shanghai Co-Host November Meetup

Ansible Shanghai

Ansible Shanghai and Shanghai DevOps will co-host a meetup on Monday, November 23rd at 7pm in the Wiredcraft Office.

1189 Wuding Xi Road, Room 426, Jing’an Temple, Shanghai


Vincent Viallet Photo

Vincent Viallet the R&D Director at Wiredcraft will give a talk on “Using Ansible (the tool) to Apply a DevOps Best Practice (blue green deployment).”

Vincent spearheads Wiredcraft’s DevOps practice and designs all of our backend architectures, ensuring the reliability of our platforms.

If you have a project or something DevOps related you’d like to share, let us know and we will get you on the schedule.

For more information on the venue, schedule and speakers visit the Shanghai DevOps Meetup Page


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Posted on November 20, 2015 in Technology, Events

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