Launching a learning hub for aesthetic profesionnals with Galderma

We created a WeChat mini-program helping educate and support health care professsionals who use Galderma’s key products and treatments in China.

China’s aesthetic medicine market, worth RMB 264.3 billion, is expected to keep growing at over 10% a year. Chinese authorities stepped in last November to curtail the spread of counterfeit products and unlicensesd operations. For a trusted brand like Galderma, this is an opportunity.

The Swiss skincare specialist, is the first company to enter the medical aesthetics market in China. Wiredcraft partnered with them, creating a digital platform to train local healtcare professionals with global and local content, cementing Galderma’s top spot in the market.

  • 3500+
    visits from partnered surgeons since the launch of the mini-app
  • 1st
    live-streaming program for Galderma
  • 12%-14%
    net sales growth

Galderma mini program interface

What we did

  • Digital & social media roadmap
  • Digital product strategy
  • Digital branding
  • WeChat mini-program design & development
  • User data integration

Engaging training experiences for partnered doctor

The WeChat mini-program we built is restricted to licensed experts practicing in Chinese clinics Galderma partnered with. The goal of the platform is to ensure these health care professionals have a complete understanding of Galderma’s key products and treatments and are helping customers to achieve their beauty goals. We gamified the learning process by offering these doctors options to level up and unlock more resources based on how long they spend in class.

Connecting experts through live-streaming

Live-streaming is a sure-fire way to boost engagement and sales in China, local cosmetic brands are all running the show. We took it to the next level with Galderma’s WeChat mini-program by providing viewers with global content and real-time digital communication with experts around the world.

Galderma live streaming interface

A scalable design system

Our design process aimed at balancing the large amount of expert content with a simple and effective user interface. The result is a design system that blends a global branding with Chinese UX best-practices and can be leveraged across channels.

A future-proof strategy

Our team worked side by side with Galderma for an actionable, short to long-term strategy to increase brand awareness. Our roadmap for social media and the mini-program includes exciting upcoming features. For example, allowing doctors to scan Galderma’s products to ensure provenance and deter counterfeiting.

Galderma strategy roadmap

Interested in learning more about Galderma or any other Wiredcraft projects? Reach out!

Posted on September 28, 2022 in Case studies

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